Plowed Fields Along Highway 20

I love when we drive past the plowed fields along Highway 20 heading west from Williams, California.

Plowed Field near Williams, CA

This small painting was painted on Yupo, a synthetic paper made out of recycled plastic.

Sutter Buttes

When we travel to and from Sacramento we pass Sutter Buttes on Highway I5.

Sutter Buttes large

This watercolor painting is 7″ by 10″ and on 140 pound Lanquarelle cotton block paper.


A few small paintings

I painted these 3 small paintings over this past rainy weekend.  They are each 3″ by 3″ and were painted on 140 pound cotton Lanaquarelle block.

small Sutter ButtesSutter Buttes

little paintingAnemone

little painting2

Hydrangeas in Vase

My Art


Welcome to my art blog!  This is a watercolor painting of an Anemone that was growing in our coastal Northern California garden. This painting is 9″ by 12″.  The paper is The Langton Prestige and is 140 pound weight, cotton.  The paint that I used is mostly paint made by Daniel Smith in Seattle, Washington.